Variables are a way to reuse content across your Account, a Brand or even a specific campaign. It's designed to save your fingers by having some common phrases, call-to-actions, products or other content saved.
You can use Variables in the Post Text as Hashtags or Media Links
- Navigate to the 'Variables' page
- Click 'Add Variable' from the Top Right
- Click on the new Variable
- Enter a Name
- You may want to use a character before its name so you don't accidentally give it a name you could type without meaning to, such as $WinterJackets.
- Select your Variable Delimeter (Comma, New Line or Space)
- This is so you can more easily split out your content to see. Depending on the values or where you are taking them from, you might find one easier than the others
- Select your Scope
- You select where you want this variable to be used; you can limit it to just one area, a campaign or a brand, or have it available everywhere.
- Enter your items, making sure they are separated using the option chosen in Step 5
- Click 'Save'
- You can now use the Variable in the scopes you selected
- Click the 'x' on the right of any Variable
Any variables added with the Post Maker tag are added across the application.
- Click on the variable you want to duplicate
- Click on the green 'Duplicate' button at the bottom right
- The duplicated variable will appear on the left-hand side of the variables tab
When on the Variables page for a Campaign, it will provide a simple view of the Variables available for that campaign - either tagged Post Maker, Account or specific Brand or Campaign.

So you have used a variable in your post and want to use the same generation within a post. Here is how you do it: 1) Write up the post using the variables you want to use 2) When it comes to where you want to reuse the spun variable, type "!!x" where X is the number of the variable position (if it's the first variable used in the post, then x would be 1)